In this episode, Joshua Scott boils down SEO campaigns to four main objectives:
General Website SEO: This objective emphasizes your general website's SEO and ranking. Here you can improve ranking with blog articles, videos, and keywords.
SEO for Specific Offers: This objective involves breaking your site down into microsites or landing pages with the goal of promoting a specific offer or product.
Mobile Search SEO: This has to do with you Google Business listing and how you show up on mobile searches. New key identifiers such as reviews and proximity to the searching individuals are prominent here.
Alternate Search Engine SEO: Google holds the lions share of searching users, but other search engines such as TikTok and YouTube are growing in popularity! A strategy to target these alternative search engines could be a wise investment.
Tune in to this episode to hear Joshua break down these points, and give you the verbiage you need to effectively communicate goals with your next SEO campaign!