Hey! Don't forget to check out the latest course on strategically dropping PPO insurances!
How To Strategically Drop PPO Insurances Course: https://ground-marketers.thinkific.com/courses/How-to-Strategically-Drop-PPOs
"The Dental Marketer University" is now The Ground Marketing Course: ENROLL HERE!
In this episode Amy Hernandez literally gives us the breakdown on the narrative we need to have and how to gather the appropriate information to never get a crown or perio procedure denied by any insurance you are in-network with! We also discuss the most common but hidden mistakes most practices make when it comes to insurance. We also discuss the real reason behind denied claims and push back from insurance companies.
You can reach out to Amy Hernandez here:
Email: amyh@ppoprofits.com
Website: https://www.ppoprofits.com/
If you want your questions answered on Monday Morning Marketing, ask me on these platforms:
Email: michael@thedentalmarketer.site
My Newsletter: https://thedentalmarketer.lpages.co/newsletter/
The Dental Marketer Society Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2031814726927041