Ever at a loss for words when trying to partner with local businesses?
In this episode of the Ground Marketing Series, I'm uncovering the secrets behind a compelling pitch that transforms your dental practice into a patient magnet. Start by rethinking how you present your offer to potential partners, focusing on partnerships that bring continuous value to both sides. Amidst discussions on common missteps made in ground marketing, we're diving into the psychology that dictates an irresistible pitch. We'll walk through the six psychological triggers—reciprocity, authority, social proof, scarcity, commitment, and liking—that can turn your pitch into an offer they can't refuse. You'll come away understanding how each trigger can be woven into your marketing narrative to capture the interest of potential partners from every angle.
But the insights don't stop there; You'll be armed with a four-step blueprint for crafting a high-converting pitch that includes the hook, value proposition, social proof, and the decisive close. Curious about the application? I'll be giving some real-life examples, showcasing how these strategies have found success in diverse settings like gyms and coffee shops. As the episode wraps, discover advanced techniques for scaling your strategy: automation, social media dynamics, and powerful referral networks become part of your armory.
Hit play and discover how to skyrocket your dental practice with winning marketing pitches!
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Michael: mastering Your Ground Marketing Pitch. We're gonna be discussing how to competently communicate your offer to potential partners. Now ground marketing is one of the most powerful cost-effective strategies to create a continuous stream of new patients for your dental practice. Not only is it a continuous stream, but this stream has depth volume, however, success hinges on your ability to pitch effectively, turning cold introductions into long-term mutually. Beneficial partnerships. This is just good to do in general, even when you're just talking out and about. This is gonna really, really help you out with your ground marketing, but also people skills and so much more.
Now, most dentists fail at ground marketing because number one, they talk too much about themselves instead of what's in it for the other person. Two, their offer is unclear, generic, or lacks an irresistible incentive. Three. They don't overcome objections with confidence. And four, they fail to follow up strategically.
Now this episode's gonna break down every detail of crafting, delivering, and closing a high converting ground marketing pitch so you can walk into multiple businesses and secure referral partnerships Specifically, we're gonna be discussing three things, three events, three businesses in this episode, schools, gyms, and community events.
Now, understanding the psychology behind an irresistible pitch. People buy into partnerships emotionally, then justify them logically. So if a business owner doesn't feel emotionally engaged by your offer, they won't care about the details. So here's how to structure your pitch so it triggers a yes response in their brain.
There's six psychological triggers that make people say yes, and we've discussed them in previous episodes. And number one, reciprocity. People feel obligated to return favors, so offer something valuable first before asking for anything in return. Two authority. Position yourself as a trusted expert, not just a dentist looking for new patients, but you can possibly use phrases like most people don't realize how much their oral health affects.
And then you mention a specific concern like how much their oral health affects their diabetes, their confidence, their fitness, et cetera. And continue with that. You're positioning yourself as a trusted expert.
Three social proof business owners want to know that others already trust you. So mention existing partnerships. Four. Scarcity. If your offer feels exclusive or limited, they'll value it more. Five. Commitment and consistency. When they agree to something small, they're more likely to commit to something bigger later.
And six, liking people do business with those they like and trust. So make your pitch conversational, not salesy. Okay, so those are the six psychological triggers that make people say yes, and that's what's gonna be behind your pitch. So the proven formula, we're gonna share it right now for a winning ground marketing pitch.
There's a four step structure of a high converting pitch, and we discussed this in the ground marketing course with further details, but every effective pitch follows this proven structure. Number one, the hook. So instantly grab their attention. Start by focusing on them, not yourself. Here's a couple examples, right?
Hey, I love how your gym promotes holistic wellness. I love to support that in, a way that makes your members even happier. Or, Hey, your daycare does an amazing job helping kids developing their confidence. You know, I love to offer something that makes parents feel, supported. Make sure it's a hook, grabs their attention.
Not long, 10 seconds or less, Hey, it's free. Grab whatever you want, right? That's at an event. Make sure. It's a hook. Then the second part is the value proposition. Now this one's 30 seconds, or less, right? What's in it for them? So first we instantly grab their attention, Hey, it's free. And then what's in it for them?
So explain how your partnership will help their business members, customers, or students. So here's an example. We found that parents at daycare centers love getting expert guidance on their children's oral development. I love to provide a free Healthy Smiles for Kids Workshop that adds value to your families.
Or, our goal is to help your customers feel more confident about their health. We can provide a free small performance assessment for your members the next time you have an event. Boom. That is the value proposition. 30 seconds, that's what's in it for them. The next thing number three is social proof.
That's another 30 seconds or less. Show that others trust you. So you can share a real world example of success to make them feel comfortable. You can say, you know, we've partnered with, this specific business and they loved it because it gave their customers an added benefit at no cost to them. Or you can say, Hey, when we ran this with another business, they saw a 27% increase in engagement from their members.
So that's why it's important to track these things because data like this helps when you are doing your pitch, when you're providing the social proof. I personally like the first one, we've partnered with this local businesses and they loved it because it gave their customers an added benefit at no cost to them.
Sometimes I say, Hey, you know what, for this month we're specifically doing this, blah, blah, blah. For the community, we wanted to promote you. A lot of people saw more of our patients become their clients, we just wanted to have your information. Boom. Social proof, right? And then finally the close 10 seconds or less.
This is a soft, no pressure ask. Don't say, would you like to do this right? Say, Hey, let's test it out. Let's make this happen. If it works we can expand it. Sound good? Boom, that's it. That's all you have to do. So that was the hook. 10 seconds. The value proposition, 30 seconds. What's in it for them?
The social proof show that others trust you. That's 30 seconds and the close, that's 10 seconds and it's a soft, no pressure ask. So that's what in total, that's about a and a half. Obviously there's gonna be conversation back and forth, right? Don't try to, I have a minute to do my introduction and that's it.
No, make it like you're playing catch with this, right? Do the hook, play, catch value proposition, play catch, social proof, play, catch the close, play, catch right conversations going back and forth with them. Now you wanna learn, and this is huge, huge, huge advanced strategies for maximum impact. A how to read and adapt to their reactions.
That's, I can't tell you how incredible that is because sometimes you will see people say, yeah, definitely drop off your signup sheet. I'd love to have this person. You can see their reaction. They're thinking of people in their mind to sign up. They have family members, all these things. Although you said it's for the employees, but they wanna sign people up.
Then you see people who, their reactions, they could be saying, yeah, just leave it, drop it off. You'll come by and pick it up on Friday. they're not even looking at the sheet of paper or they're not even thinking about the calendar or anything like that. their reaction is, plain.
nothing to it. That's where we're gonna be discussing right now, how to read and adapt to their reactions. So if they lean forward, nod, or especially ask follow-up questions, they're interested, move toward the close, right? But if they seem hesitant, use the softening technique and the softening technique is, you're just totally understandable.
So you can say something like, Hey, totally understandable. I know you're busy, so let's just try this with a few people and see if they like it. Or we can try this with a couple of your classrooms and see if they like it. Or we can try this with a specific grade, or a specific daycare or a specific time.
We can try this at your next event, right where you have more vendors. Totally understandable. Uses something we call the competitor mention technique. You can say, I totally get it. LA Fitness said the same thing at first, but when they saw how easy it was, they loved it.
So you can mention something like that. You're mentioning the competition. I've yet to need to do that. But we do have members who have done that and it works fantastic. So you can go ahead it's a partnership and you see that they're leaning forward with success, once you do, you can tell, you can read and adapt their reactions from the hook once you're like, yeah.
And then the value proposition, if their eyes get wider, their eyebrows raise higher, they see more excited. They want to sit and talk with you. They give you more time. You already closed it. You know, you don't need to, think about it and say, okay, you know, we can test this out with a couple people.
No, you can just say, we'd love toparticipate at the event, or whatever you're trying to do right now. Objection handling. Sometimes you may get, people say, especially at corporations, we don't usually do partnerships like this. Now you can say, I totally understand. Neither did this specific business, but after trying it, they loved it because it added value to their customers.
Had no extra effort on their part. We're doing everything right. So then they're gonna say, okay, cool. You may get objections like, I don't think our customers would be interested. that's where you say, I hear you. Most customers don't realize they need this until they're offered it. That's why we start with a, small group or we start at a small event, or we start with a couple of your people right, to see the response You may get, we already work with another dentist. This one I have gotten many times. Now you can say a couple things. One thing you can say is like, Hey, that's great. That means you understand the value of oral health for your customers, your children, your members, whoever, right? But what we offer is a bit different.
Our approach is a hundred percent focused on than mention a unique angle. Would you be open to seeing how this compliments what you're already doing and then boom, you continue. Right? A lot of the times, especially at schools or daycares, you may get someone who says, yeah, you know what? We already work with another dentist.
Say, oh no, I completely understand. You know, that's fantastic. That's wonderful. You value oral health for your customers, your members, your students. Wonderful. I love it. what we wanted to offer was a little bit different on their approach. I think they come like once a year, once every two years.
Right. And typically, yeah, they do. Dentists come once every quarter or once every two years. And then you can mention, what we wanted to do was just offer like a mini workshop, no competition, nothing like that. We're not trying to steal customers or steal anything like that. We just wanted to enhance, the importance of oral health, right?
Or enhance the importance of a specific unique angle. we can start off with just a couple classrooms. That'd be perfectly fine. It can be part of like an assembly or whatever, and then boom. You're like, yeah, you know what you let's make it happen, and then you can make it happen. A lot of it has to do with your tone of voice too.
Now that's what you're gonna do with objections. You're gonna have those advanced strategies on how to read and adapt reactions.
Now your secret weapon is gonna be irresistible incentives that close deals. Most businesses won't partner unless they see a clear win. So use high converting incentives and every community, every location is gonna be different. Giveaways that work, for example, are whiteningsfree whitenings. that's probably universal and makes their customers feel special.
Then you can do free digital smile makeovers, it's digital. So more engaging than a cleaning you can do exclusive offers if you want, That increases engagement, gift cards and things like that. Personalized oral health and fitness guides. free mouth guards if you like.
free office tour a special on a new patient exam at the same time. Sometimes we do have quite a few members don't offer anything for free. they're just available for them and they stay on top of mind. They have specific people who are just ground marketers who make sure they are up there in there, in the businesses, staying on top of mind, staying on the events.
Helping them connect with other businesses. And they are just, I mean, they've never offered anything for free. They're just like, Hey, we're here. And then they're always participating in their, things. And those are fantastic. Those are fantastic when they do that. But me personally, yeah.
New patient exams, free office tour, and free whitenings. Those are my top three for me. Now the urgency hook, we're only offering this partnership to two local gyms this quarter, or we're only doing this with one gym this month. It can be the health and wellness month or whatever that you want to call it.
And yeah, they're gonna wanna partner up with you because it's, Hey, I wanna be that one gym, right? That's in front of your patients. Or you can say, Hey, we have room for just five daycares to receive our free Healthy Smiles workshop that we're doing this month, and we thought about this daycare and we'd love to do it.
now, the follow-up system that converts interest into results, this is how you're gonna wanna follow up, okay? Now the day after, follow-up email or text, right? You can say, Hey, excited to work together. My name is great meeting you. Here's a quick summary of what we discuss and let's test this out, or let's make this happenand see how they like it.
I'll follow up in a few days to check in, right? And then you wanna. Personal check-in. You wanna call or drop by in person and just say, just wanted to check in if you had any questions or needed any materials for me to make this easier, especially if you're gonna be a part of an event, if you're gonna be doing a specific workshop or a seminar, if it's a daycare, you might possibly be doing a workshop or something like that.
If it's a gym, you're probably gonna be at an event. If it's a community event, you're gonna be at an event, right? You wanna continue to check in, see how you can be of help. And then week three and four you wanna share testimonial or success stories from other partners. Offer an exclusive upgrade to keep them engaged with these partnerships as well.
Now the next step, scaling ground marketing to dominate your market. The way you wanna scale this is automate follow-ups. So use a CRM to track partnerships and automate email, text reminders. Now, in the ground marketing course, we do have, it's an Excel sheet that it's a template. We have it for you, and in there we show you how to do this, how to automate follow ups with potential partners and referrals, right?
Businesses that you're going consistently in there. You're picking up signup sheets, you're dropping off flyers, you're doing their events, you're helping them out. But at the same time, obviously they're referring new patients. So following up is key. ' cause you're like in a relationship now, so you want to continue to show up.
At the same time, you also wanna, number two, leverage social media. So tag businesses and posts to increase visibility, right? Once you've created this partnership, tag them a ton, even if you're near the specific business, if you're around the specific business. If you're in front of the specific business or you're obviously in the business, tag them.
Leverage social media. Three is develop a referral network. So introduce businesses to each other and position yourself as a trusted local authority. the relationship doesn't stop there, right? Meaning, if you find they will benefit. Let's just say you're going to a specific gym and hey, the gym owner for this CrossFit will benefit knowing this other person or this person at the district.
Let me introduce them. 'cause I know we've had that conversation that they wanted to be in the district too, or something like that with the schools or children or whatever. Make that happen. Make that introduction happen and that's it. Not only does this strengthen the referral, partnership, but at the same time.
You're helping out the community and now you're providing benefits for both of those businesses. You're on top of mind for both of them, and it's easier for you to do things with them now, be a part of their events and so much more. And for finally, host joint events. So partner with local businesses for workshop, top of events, booths, things like that helps out a lot.
So once you do that, that's basically it. The strategic ground marketing approach. You wanna make it low risk and high value, you'll close more partnerships and get more referrals and dominate ground marketing. Never say, what do you think? Never say, could we do this? Right? if you find any hesitation at all, just say, if you want, we can give it a quick try on, on the event that's coming up for you or on your next event.
Or we can give it a try with a couple people in your group. If it works well, we can expand it. Sound good? Boom. That's it. This works. Most business owners don't want to feel like they're being pitched, but they love it when someone supports their business. So this approach makes them feel like they're getting the better end of a deal while naturally positioning you as someone worth promoting.
So the key is get before you ask. They should feel like you're helping them first, make it feel effortless. No extra work for them. Leave a natural way for their customers to engage with you.
Okay. So now I wanna share with you some scripts, for your initial approach. And remember, we wanna frame it like we're helping them. So we want to casually walk in and say, you know, if it's a gym, hey, you know, we're running a healthy smile healthy body campaign this month, and we love featuring local gyms.
Can I grab your info so we can promote your gym to our patients and stay quiet? They will love this. Do this with every single fitness studio that you know of. The next one is a coffee shop. You can walk in casually and say, Hey, we're doing a sip and smile feature this month where we highlight local businesses.
Our patients love. They love this coffee shop. I love this coffee shop. Can I grab your info so we can promote your coffee shop? that's it. Stay quiet. They will love it. Salon and med. Spa casually. Walk in. Hey, we're doing a confidence month, a spotlight, and featuring top local beauty spots. I'd love to include your salon, would it be okay?
Can I grab your info to share with our patients? Boom, they will love this. And then daycare. Hey, this month we're doing a Healthy Smile for Kids feature and letting parents know about trusted local daycares. Can I grab your info to share with them? Not one person. Will say, no, don't. They will love, absolutely love this.
you are gonna be a hero to them once you do these scripts. Right now, in the ground marketing course, we share these scripts in so many more scripts, as the initial approach to get your foot in the door, to start the conversation, to already start making this partnership happen. So many more scripts and we dive deeper on the scripts that I just told you about and show you way, way, way more.
Right. But that's how you wanna do it. They give you their info without hesitation when you do this because you're helping them. And now once they're, you know, yeah, lemme grab some information for you. Yeah, of course. Take some more information, whatever, right? Once they give you their info, keep the conversation about them.
Make it still about them. So with the gym, Hey, how long have you been in this location? Your gym looks amazing. The coffee shop. Hey, what's your best seller? I'll make sure to tell people to try it. The salon. Do you guys do VIP events? We see a lot of patients who love Self-care. That one's nice because they'll say like, yeah, you know what we do, VIP, eventual.
We've been thinking about it. And boom, lo and behold, you guys can partner up and make something happen. The daycare. Are you guys taking new enrollments? I mean, parents always ask us about trusted daycares. Having these, conversations where you're still following up still continuing the conversation.
Those questions specifically, ultimately crucial. I mean, you are deepening. You are building that relationship. You are dropping the reciprocity seed in there. By showing interest in their business, you're making them feel valued. They will now naturally start thinking about how they can help you in return.
Now, step three, right? Once you're building the rapport, you can say, by the way, we see a lot of patients who are into fitness, sometimes they ask about gyms in the area. Would it be okay if we left a small signup sheet here for people who might wanna learn more about. Dentistry or dental wellness and how it connects to performance.
Boom, that's it. Coffee shop. We have a lot of patients who love supporting local coffee spots. If it's cool with you, I'd love to leave a signup sheet here so anyone interested in wellness can get some cool perks in the future. salon. A lot of our patients are into beauty and self-care.
Would it ever be okay to leave a signup sheet here for anyone who might want tips on how their smile plays a role in overall confidence? Or anybody here who might need free whitening? That's it. If you mentioned free whitening in a lot of them, gym, coffee shops, salons. leave that here and you're gonna see them sign up. But mainly coffee shops and salons are huge and a lot of the times gyms are too. Now with daycares you can say, many parents ask us about oral health for kids.
Would it be all right if we left a little signup sheet here in case any parents have questions or want some free resources? We're running a new patient exam right now too, as well. Boom. This makes it feel like a helpful resource, not a sales pitch. And then finally, Step four, you wanna create an irresistible, non-salesy incentive, right? The gym, we're also giving gym members a free smile performance guide if they sign up or giving them free whitening. Same thing with,the coffee shop. if they sign up, we're giving them a free sip and smile rewards card, or they don't even have to sign up.
It's just another free whining. If you want, justmake sure your incentive is according to location. It has to be appropriate, Step five is the indirect close. So getting them to promote you without asking directly after they say, yeah, you can definitely leave something off, or, yeah, you can definitely leave us your information or whatever.
You can say, I'll stop by next week to pick up any flyers so we can let our patients know about your gym too, Would it be okay if I left some of our information here as well? You wanna say that with everyone? Make sure you're always, oh, thank you so much.
This is fantastic. I love it. Hey, would it be okay if I also did this, a super small 5% at the very end? All you're doing is talking about them, you're highlighting them. You wanna provide more for them. And then you also wanna benefit their members, their residents, their customers, and at the very 5%, that's the ask, Hey, would it be okay if I leave some of my information here as well?
Oh, and a signup sheet, just so anybody who's interested in blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, in a free whitening and this or that, they can just sign up. Would that be okay? Now they feel like. They got the whole good end of the deal, and the least they can do is, oh yeah, of course we can do that. So that's what you wanna do.
And then step six, you want to keep, the business actively engaged, right? You wanna follow up casually drop by. Hey, just wanted to check in, see how if any customers were interested in the signup sheet wanted to stop by. Oh, okay. Cool. Yeah, there's a name. Hey, by the way, I gave a shout out to your business and our patient newsletter.
Let me know if you want me to mention anything specific next time. That could be week two, week four. Hey, we had a few signups from your place. Just wanted to say thanks again for letting us set that up. If there's anything we can do for you, let me know. That could be week four, right? And then you just continually following up with them.
You're continually following up with them. Now there's many, many things you can do when it comes to, how to do this right?
Now, some real life examples on how this worked was with the gym, right? There's one where members secured a long-term referral deal with the gym was focused on airway and performance dentistry, and he realized that gym members were perfect candidates for his practice. He didn't use a generic pitch about dental health, which gym owners don't care about.
before he failed to position his offer as a benefit to the gym. So that failed. Right? And he also, he never used reciprocity to make the gym owners feel like they were getting the better deal. So this is what he did. Instead, now he checked the gym's website to see their branding and target audience.
He scanned their Google reviews to understand common complaints or interest from members, and that was huge. That was huge because that's already on the top of mind of the gym owner. And then he visited their Instagram page and saw that the gym was promoting an upcoming member appreciation month. And then boom, that's it.
He just said, Hey, I wanted to be a part of that member appreciation month. Can we be a part of it? And then gave a little bit more conversation, extra value. He kept those Google reviews, the negative ones in mind and saw a way to combat that and used that to his advantage. But it acknowledged the Jim's current goal.
It positioned him as helping them first, and it made it effortless for the gym. So it reduced all objections. And yeah, he used social proof, and then at the same time, he leveraged it. He can say, Hey, we recently did this with this gym, and their members loved it. Look at the social media.
Other gyms reached out to him and said, Hey, can you come and do this for our practice as well? It was fantastic. So the results were really, really good. Members signed up in the first week. Many became new patients and the gym continued referring members every month, making this a long-term referral stream, and it was fantastic.
Now here's another one where a practice owner, got into a coffee shop without paying a dime and she promoted her practice. Now this is pretty interesting because traditional flyers and business cards got ignored right at the coffee shop. so throw that out the window.
If you feel like I'm just gonna drop off some flyers and hopefully people will sign up, it gets ignored, right? And she's proof. There was no compelling reason I. For customers to engage and coffee shop owners saw no benefit in promoting a dental office. So she did her research, right? She followed the coffee shop on Instagram and noticed they ran loyalrewards program where customers earned free drinks.
She saw they often featured local businesses in their email list to boost engagement Just like most business owners saw that the coffee shop wanted to increase customer engagement and repeat visits, so she built her pitch around the goal. She said, Hey, I love your SIP and Earn rewards program.
We're looking for awesome local businesses to highlight in our patient newsletter. Would it be cool if I featured your coffee shop? Notice how she offered something first, pre-promotion. She made the business owner feel like they were getting the better deal. Now the third step was she added a unique non-salesy signup sheet.
So after a few minutes of chatting, she just said, Hey, I was thinking, you know, it'd be fun to offer your coffee shop customers something extra like a sip and smile rewards card for this month. Yeah, I was just thinking everyone who purchased a coffee or whichever 30 customers you absolutely love will also get free whitening with their coffee.
I could stop by and bring some reward cards for you to give out. This worked incredibly. I loved it when she did this because here's the thing. You're not promoting yourself, you're not waiting for someone to sign up. You're not doing anything. This person, the barista already started having people in mind, oh my god, I can just give free whining to people.
Yeah, you can give free whining to people. Oh wow. Okay. I had people in mind already. Oh, and then customers come in and you're like, Perfect. it ran out within like a couple of days. This was brilliant. And it worked because it was fun, relevant, and interactive. Not just boring dental flyers.
This person's actually giving these out, right? This barista's, Hey, here's your coffee shop. And by the way, at the same time, the dental office right down the street, doctor, whoever right, told me I can give out a specific amount of free whitening to people and I just.I wanted to give it to you. You know what I mean?
Or they conversated obviously, and then they said, Hey, here's free whining. Or they just said, Hey, you're coming here all the time. I absolutely love it. And we're able to give out free whitening to people. if you want it, here it is. Right?Never took it as offensive oh my gosh, I need white.
None of that stuff. So get that outta your head if you think that's happening. That doesn't happen, at least in, it's never happened yet. You know, The coffee shop. Had increased engagement without doing anything extra. Right. But at the same time, obviously it brought in new patients immediately. that happened.
She said, awesome, I'll swing by in a bit, drop off some loyalty, cards or some rewards cards. Would it be okay if I left a little bit more info and flyers as well around here? And then they're like, yeah, sure. Perfect. And that was it. That's all they had to do. 43 people signed up for the sip and smile giveaway the cards.
17 booked appointments and then the coffee shop continued, referring customers and this was all within like a matter of days. So that was awesome. So the final takeaway, this proven ground marketing formula works every time you wanna research before pitching. Start with a hook that helps them.
Offer something first, introduce the idea casually close with a no pressure offer. Follow up within 24 hours. Use this system and you'll turn every local business into a patient referral machine. Now, this is like the formula behind the scripts and strategies and things like that.
Every business, every. Location, corporation Residency, HOA Chamber of Commerce business is different. They require different strategies, different methods, different ways, different systems, but the psychology behind it and everything is what we just said. So you wanna know more every. Specificity of the specific scripts, strategies and tactics and everything like that, that is found in the ground marketing course, like the gym one, the one we talked about, coffee shop strategies in their daycare events, all that with detail and templates and PD files and also real life examples of me doing them.
have a hidden camera, like on my pocket so you can hear me, do some of these and also on the phone. That's all in the ground marketing course, and I teach you exactly how to do that. So if you're interested, go into show notes below. Click on the first link in the show notes below. It's the ground marketing course, checkout.
Everything that's in there. I continue to add to it. Every single month, we continue to add more and more to it. So you never left alone, right? But yeah, definitely go check that out the ground marketing course. you want much, much more help, more detail. Next episode we're gonna be discussing networking hacks for dental practices.
So thank you so much for tuning in. I'll talk to you in the next episode.