82: Dr. Tyler Hanks | How to immediately increase your treatment acceptance

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You are listening to episode 82 of The Dental Marketer Podcast! Thank you for tuning in.... Let's just dive right into it!

In this episode I pick the brain of the creator of LIVESMILEAPP.COM. In case you don't know what this wonderful app does, it helps the patient see the importance of dentistry and their oral health! How you ask? Well, listen to the episode. Here we talk about what Dr. Hanks learned when he was a dental assistant and saw over 100 new patients daily! We also hear the wonderful advice he learned in Nicaragua as well. We talk about improving the new patient experience, being active on social media and which social media platform is working for him, what he saw wrong in most of the dental practice's he worked at, and the importance of parents knowing what is going on in their child's dental visit.

One thing I love, that Dr. Hanks stresses, is the importance of slowing down. Why are you rushing your work, your treatment planning, your time with the new and existing patients... slow down.... and we dive into this topic with much more detail..... so please feel free to bookmark this episode and listen to it with your team.


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