73: Justin Morgan | How to rank higher on Google immediately

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Episode 73 is hot, fresh, and ready for you to listen and for you also to start taking action today! In this episode we dive into the world of SEO. So many major companies (not going to say any names) make it seem like SEO is this huge jigsaw puzzle that can never be solved and that you shouldn't spend your time understanding. FALSE! My guest breaks down exactly what SEO is, what it consists of, and how to use it to your advantage. One thing I will mention is that, SEO is always changing. As long as updates exist in Google, Yandex, Bing, pretty much any search engines, then SEO will always be forever changing. The amazing thing is, it is changing for the better! It is changing to better improve the user experience.

My guest, Justin Morgan, lets us know exactly how to start ranking higher in the search engines immediately. What we can do today and also what NOT to do! Many of us today, are still obsessing over "keywords" and keyword stuffing" but in reality we need to think about, what is our content about? Is it unique? Is it engaging? Is it portraying your brand? This all needs to be kept in mind but most importantly, who else is backing up our content? Also, if you already have an SEO company that is working for you, do you know what they are doing exactly? Justin Morgan lets us know what to ask specifically from our SEO company. Tune in and listen to see exactly how to start ranking higher in your search engine immediately.

Justin Morgan is the CEO and founder of what most of us affectionately refer to as the "DMG." From all circles within the dental industry who address dental marketing as a topic, Justin Morgan is the dental marketing guy that everyone keeps talking about. Justin credits much of his dental marketing knowledge to Fred Joyal, the creator of 1-800-DENTIST, and the author of the book Everything is Marketing: The Ultimate Strategy For Dental Practice Growth. He can be found on the forums at dentaltown.com providing valuable knowledge to dentists in need of marketing advice. Outside of work, Justin enjoys coaching wrestling and teaching mixed martial arts. He enjoys comedy flicks over horror movies and his favorite ice cream is moose tracks.

Justin Morgan Links:

The Dental Marketing Guy Website

Invisalinks SEO Course

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