72: Heidi Mount | How to get your patients to instantly accept treatment

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Welcome to episode 72 of The Dental Marketer Podcast! So happy you are tuning into this episode because IF you apply the strategies mentioned here.... your dental practice will go a long way and grow. I had the wonderful privilege of interviewing my featured guest: Heidi Mount, who we all know.... is one of the most innovative and results driven coach out there! I strongly suggest you not only listen to this episode but have your Office Manager and team listen to it and take notes!

Heidi and I touch so many remarkable topics, topics that are frustrating the dental practice today! We talk about how it is crucial to hire people with an "ownership mentality". This means you need to find people who treat your business with the same care, IF NOT MORE, as you do. We also talk about the importance of Role Playing with your team. Do NOT think just because you have a "script" and heard it once you have it down, patients give so many different types of answers and you do not want to go back to your old habits. So if you hear a wonderful idea to start implementing into your practice... role play it. We also talk about a really hot topic, bettering your case presentation skills and case acceptance rate.

Heidi Mount has been working in the dental field since 1988.

Over 2 decades she was been licensed in 2 states as a dental assistant and had worked as an office manager. For many years, Heidi has been a virtual dental consultant. She worked in dental offices where 98% of the patients accepted the treatment plans presented and paid for them.

She has been featured on Dentistry Uncensored with Dr. Howard Farran, The Thriving Dentist Show with Gary Takacs, Dentistrys Ideal practices with Jayme Amos, The Delivering Wow with Dr. Anissa Holmes, The Passionate Dentist With Dr. B, and more.

She is known for helping dentists and their teams all over the world make more profit on the next days' schedule.



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