45: Debbie Seidel-Bittke | How to deal with last-minute cancellations and no-shows

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In episode 45 Debbie really dives into how a practice can increase their production and enhance your dental practices' culture. There are so many components in a dental office and because of this each component should have a specific system in play to where that component is making its own production or bringing some sort of remarkable value to the dental practice as a whole. For example, Hygiene is an essential component, does your hygienist know what to say when trying to present a case of Invisalign? Or does your front office know what to say to someone who just cancelled at the very last minute? All of these components will function much much MUCH better with proper systems in place and which include scripts and tactics.

We also get to hear exactly what we need to say to those pesky patients who just don't value the dentist time. You know the patients I'm talking about. "The late ones", the "no-shows", the "last-minute re-schedulers", the "last minute cancellations"; Debbie tells us just exactly how we need to feel and what exactly to say to these types of patients.

Debbie Seidel-Bittke, is a dental consultant, coach, speaker and author. She is also

CEO of Dental Hygiene Solutions, powered by Dental Practice Solutions. Debbie is a world-

class leader in creating profitable hygiene departments. She is well-known as a former

clinical assistant professor at USC in Los Angeles and a former hygiene department program

director. Dentistry Today recognizes Debbie as a Leader in Dental Consulting.


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