131: Dr. Matt Vogt | The Dentists at Gateway Crossing

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I had the great privilege to interview Dr. Matt Vogt for episode 131! Dr. Vogt just started his practice not too long ago and we're curious... how has it been going since opening day? What struggles has he faced? What struggles did he face before he opened up/ leading up to opening day? What major lessons has he learned and more?

Tune in to hear what Dr. Vogt is doing to increase his practice's profits and what he is doing to increase his new patients numbers too! SPOILER ALERT: for October he brought in 62 new patients! How? Tune in to listen!

We also discuss about: micro-managing, how a corporate dental office opened up right next to him and what he is doing about it, how Dr. Vogt closes treatment, his best ROI to date, and what we see on Social Media ... may not be entirely what you truly get!

Listen in and don't forget to leave a 5 star review on iTunes!


I am SO excited to share with you The Ground Marketing Course!

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